About Fire And Laughter (2005-2007)
Flowers are laughing with giggles, 2006, Mixed media, 30”x13”
Cloud of tenderness, 2006, Tempera on cotton, 16”x19”
At noon a whisper of joy, 2007, Tempera on paper, 35”x33”
Green And Yellow Dance Together, 12”x19”, 2006. Tempera on cotton
Orchid of joy, 2005, Ink on paper, 10”x22”
Love letters from the ocean, 2007, Tempera on paper, 42”15”
Perls of Sun After The Storm, 2007, Mixed media, 76”x27”
Laughing with leaves of love, 2007, Mixed media, 60”x25”
Through silence cracks of love, 2006, Tempera on cotton, 76”x28”
Bursting in silence, 2006, Tempera on cotton, 47”x20”
Steps of birds dancing with the sun, 2006, Tempera on cotton, 68”x35”
A wellspring of genuine love, 2006, Tempera on cotton, 46”x24”
Lets share our secret in silence, 2006, Tempera on cotton, 42”x20”
Roll of Tenderness, 2005, Mixed Media on Cotton & Paper,24"x8"x5"
Turlututu's Spring-Dress,2006, Mixed Media on Cotton, 34"x12"x8"
An Evening With Tender Air, 2006, Tempera on Cotton, 47”x18”
Snow of Light, 2006, Tempera on Cotton, 17"x8.5"
My hands are touching a tender fire, 2006, Ink on paper, 44”x23”